
Изучайте английский через действия — запишитесь на бесплатный пробный урок!
Gain confidence to speak English with an action-based approach guided by a native speaker.
Key Features
Our approach combines hands-on practice with expert guidance from a native speaker. This helps you build confidence and fluency in real-world situations.
Trial Class Details
Join us for a free trial class on January 14th or 16th at 18:30. The class will be held at [Insert Address].
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Time is ticking!
var countDownDate = new Date('Jan 14, 2024 18:30:00').getTime();var x = setInterval(function() {var now = new Date().getTime();var distance = countDownDate - now;var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 60 60 24));var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 60 60 24)) / (1000 60 60));var minutes = Math.
Learn English by Doing
Gain confidence to speak English with an action-based approach guided by a native speaker.
Photo credits: Freepik, Unsplash [Annie Spratt].

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